all postcodes in HP22 / PRINCES RISBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP22 9WX 1 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9AL 1 1 51.778273 -0.771432
HP22 9AX 0 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9BD 1 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9BJ 1 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9BR 1 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9DL 1 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9DY 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9EF 1 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9EQ 1 0 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9ET 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9FJ 1 51.778273 -0.771432
HP22 9HE 1 1 51.778273 -0.771432
HP22 9HR 1 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9HU 1 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9HW 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9GD 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9GP 1 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9GY 1 0 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 9JA 1 1 51.778273 -0.771432